Living Testimonial for WeatherCall

On Wednesday (April 27, 2011), the NWS radio had so many alerts going off that I couldn't keep up with what was happening, where, and for how long. You and Storm Force 31 Weather Call were right on the spot though, keeping my family alert WHEN WE NEEDED TO BE.

While sitting in my storm shelter for the fourth time in one day, just after 4:00 p.m., my wife and I 
listened to the howl of the storm as our home and entire neighborhood were literally blown away by the same tornado that had, a minute earlier, leveled the Bethel Church and Doppler ball on Highway 72.  Brad (Huffines), trust me when I say that, because of you and WeatherCall, my wife and I are alive today. Our home was totally destroyed -- the rooms we had just been in would have been our tombs if we hadn't heeded your warning, "Seek immediate shelter." I can't tell you how grateful we are. If you EVER need a LIVING testimony for Weather Call, let me know. I'm here today, and I'll be here tomorrow, all because of you. Danny H. - Madison, AL


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