Fundraising Terms and Conditions


 Agreement for Participation in WeatherCall for Schools Fundraising Program

WeatherCall® is pleased to offer this opportunity to assist your school with its fundraising efforts. This agreement is intended to provide you with the terms and conditions of the WeatherCall fundraising program. WeatherCall is a subscription service with a proven track record of saving lives by delivering address-specific official National Weather Service (NWS) severe warnings via a phone call, SMS text message, email or a combination of these methods.

WeatherCall has partnered with [LOCAL AFFILIATE] to provide our notification services in your local area, and will share a substantial portion of each new subscription ($5.00) and a recurring renewal donation ($1.00) in the future with qualified organizations.

Selling WeatherCall subscriptions is done completely online using PayPal's services, eliminating the need to order, ship, deliver physical goods or collect and account for checks, cash, etc. WeatherCall will assign a web link for the potential subscribers to obtain their services. An approximate 50% donation is made to your organization for a new @Home subscription, and a 10% renewal in subsequent years is your program elects to continue to participate. WeatherCall is available anywhere in the continental US, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, allowing students to sell subscriptions to friends and relatives wanting to support your program, no matter where they live.

You will be provided with a unique organization web-link to send and share, and professionally printed 4"x9" postcards describing the WeatherCall Fundraising Program to distribute to students and parents involved in the program if you request them. They will be shipped to the name and address located on the following information and signature page. It is suggested that each student be required to return any unused postcards to the fundraising program coordinator. If you want to participate without brochures, inform us on the following agreement page. Please order only the number of brochures you think you need. They are printed with your organization's unique web-link on them.

The fundraising organization acknowledges and agrees that WeatherCall's services are provided to its subscribers pursuant to a direct contractual relationship with those subscribers and nothing contained in this agreement may alter or amend the terms of that relationship. WeatherCall or its media partner will not be responsible for any third party claims made against the fundraising organization arising out of or related to this fundraising program or the WeatherCall services. Other than the payment of the donation amount, WeatherCall or its media partner will not be responsible for any claims, damages, or injuries to the fundraising organization arising out of or related to this fundraising program or the WeatherCall services.

Payment of the aggregate donation amount for new or renewing subscriptions will be made monthly by WeatherCall after a report is created within 2 weeks after the last calendar day.

To participate, provide the following information, including the signature of the person responsible for coordinating the program.

Please fill out this form completely, sign, print, scan, and return via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fax to 815-301-8719.
Name of School:___________________________________________________________________

Activity or Organization Name:_________________________________________________
Mailing Address (including city, state, zip) ________________________________________


Program Coordinator: Name__________________________________________________
Best Phone #'s: (____) _____________________ or (____) _____________________
Best Email Address:_______________________________________________________________

Secondary Contact: Name____________________________________________________
Best Phone #'s: (____) _____________________ or (____) ____________________
Best Email Address:_______________________________________________________________

Brochures Requested: _______Yes _________No If Yes, quantity: ___________

Authorized Signature:_________________________________________________________________
Print Name__________________________________________________________________________
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions on Pg. 1: Initials_____________
WeatherCall® is a service of
WeatherCall Services, LLC
PO Box 472
Parker, CO 80134

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

720-841-3923 (phone)

815-301-8719 (fax)

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